Yesterday Tiger Woods apologized for his adultery. He didn't actually call it that. "I was unfaithful. I had affairs. I cheated." He seemed sincere. Since he has never been overly emotional it is hard to gauge his depth of feeling. But I was struck by his plans for correction. He admitted during the monologue that he had been selfish. "It's now up to me to make amends, and that starts by never repeating the mistakes I've made," Woods said. "It's up to me to start living a life of integrity." Good plans. Integrity-great idea! And how will he achieve this? Part of his rehab will include a return to his Buddhist faith. His mother raised him as a Buddhist, and he practiced that faith "until I drifted away from it in recent years." Religion can be a crutch during difficult times. But what does Tiger gain from Buddhism? "Buddhism teaches that a craving for things outside ourselves causes an unhappy and pointless search for security." Think about this. Tiger admitted he was selfish and so that he will never act that way again he will do what? Look inside himself! Perhaps he would repeat that his failures were due to not practising Buddhism. But could it be that the system itself is part of the problem? Man is born selfish and must seek a solution for that problem outside himself. Without that, any amount of self-discipline, self-correction, self-denial will eventually become self-absorption. And the unhappy and pointless search for security still persists. It is only by going outside of ourselves to ask forgiveness of God through Jesus Christ that peace comes. There have been few athletes that have dominated and popularized a sport as has Tiger Woods. But far more important than his return to golf is his repentance. I pray that he will reach outside himself and claim the gift of God which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
As always your comments are welcomed.
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