Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why keep a good thing secret?

Last week a radio ad was promoting the Masons. The spokesman referred to the importance of mystery and fellowship. He dropped Ben Franklin’s name and made sure listeners heard how much money was donated daily by Masonic groups. The appeal was an invitation to visit local lodges which were apparently open to the public Saturday, October 21, 2008. No one disdains the tremendous work of these men in regard to hospitals. So what is it about Freemasonry that necessitates secrecy? For a Christian, i.e., one who believes that Jesus as God provides the only way to heaven, there is one major reason for Masons to act in secrecy. Freemasonry promotes an inclusivist religion. All religious persuasions are brought together to worship the Great Architect of the Universe (GAOTU) This acknowledgement of a supreme being is required for membership. Every good mason will, after death, dwell together in the Grand Lodge Above (GLA) That demonstrates syncretism- all gods are one. That fact is confirmed by the name JahBulOn which was officially removed from use in 1989. Since everything is a secret who knows if that is true? But the name can be seen to combine Yahweh, Baal, and On for Osiris. Another serious departure from Christianity is the base of authority. The Bible must be laid on the altar of Freemasonry. The altar is where the VSL, Volume of the Sacred Law is found. There you may find any sacred writing from any religion, Koran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon. Each of these is incompatible with the 66 Books of God’s Word, the Bible. Attempting to cloak the secret handshakes, rituals, and false beliefs under the habit of humanitarian service will not change the heresy. (More information)
“Therefore do not be partakers with them, for you were at one time darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light —for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth —trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For the things they do in secret are shameful even to mention. But all things being exposed by the light are made evident.” Ephesians 5: 7-13.

1 comment:

  1. Masonic symbolism is literally everywhere - as Texe Marrs so clearly depicts in his books Magica and Mysterious Monuments, our entire secular and national monuments - throughout the entire world!! Tragically the court system & congress now is illuminati/masonic controlled and now we reap overt lawlessness in government/economic leadership. Christians are so easily led astray. Or perhaps silenced for fear of making a stand. If someone says that they believe in God and read their bible it does not mean that they are genuine. It may mean that they are a member of the Lodge and their masonic Bible as well Great Archetic of the universal brotherhood is what they are referring to. Last week I heard of a local pastor (independent, Bible-believing) that fell hard from grace and shamed his family, the community that listened to him on the local am station and the church family. He even orchestrated the new building program for the new & shiny ediface for all to see. Then his preaching became watered down- yet the flock was happy. The hurt will remain for a very very long time. God's Glorious Name has been dragged through the mud -though temporarily. While he preached out of God's Word, his life was rebrobate. Wake up Christians !! You need to know theres a great deception as evidenced by the hype of the newly elected One and the falling away from Biblical Christianity.
    Jesus Reigns Forever,
