Caveat- This statement is in no way connected to any leadership positions I hold in my church or other organizations. But it is based on my continuing study of Scripture and the Constitution.
1. Abortion must always be at the top of any Christian’s list of political issues. Dr. Paul is the most pro-life candidate running. He has delivered 4000 babies and never once considered abortion ‘necessary.’ He would do whatever is necessary to overturn Roe v. Wade. The emphasis is on ‘do.’ We have not had a president since 1973 that actually did anything to stop all abortions. Ron Paul would.
2. Being pro-life means one values life everywhere. Ron Paul is the only candidate who understands that the Constitution prohibits the shedding of innocent blood in unnecessary wars. He is ‘pro-life’ in foreign affairs. He is not anti-war but will not violate the law just to prove some sort of American ‘exceptionalism,’ i.e., we are the most powerful nation so we must police all the other nations. History proves that Ron Paul’s foreign policy is the policy of our founders.
3. Ron Paul is the best friend Israel could have. It is ludicrous and hypocritical for our nation’s leaders to boast about friendship with Israel while giving 7 times more financial aid to that nation’s enemies. We cannot bless Israel and arm her enemies at the same time. To argue otherwise is a waste of effort. Israel should not have to ask American permission to act on its sovereignty. In the same circumstances we would protest, too. In fact, Ron Paul has voted in favor of Israel’s right to do just that. And he was the only one to do so.
4. He is the only candidate that respects the 10th Amendment. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” If the Federal Constitution does not cover a topic, it cannot be mandated at the Federal level. This has been confusing for some. For example, Dr. Paul believes that ‘drug’ addiction is a bad thing. He does not want this kind of habit to continue. But he fully understands that any Federal mandate in this area is unconstitutional. And it doesn’t work. Dr. Paul believes that marriage should be between one man and one woman. He supports DOMA. But to redefine marriage at the Federal level is just asking for trouble. God’s definition is precise enough.
5. Congressman Paul has a precise understanding of the Constitution. He knows that the President was never intended to be the most powerful man in the world. Congress is, in fact, the most powerful branch of our government. The President has but 8 duties. Dr. Paul knows that any President who signs an executive order that applies any kind of regulations to the general public has broken the law. He knows the President breaks his oath to defend the Constitution when he enters into military action without a declaration from Congress. He knows that the Constitution is not a top-down order of government. It is ‘we the people’ who have vested power in those we elect. That means it is ours to give. Ron Paul understands and appreciates that.
6. The Federal Reserve is a pox on our land. We will not experience economic balance unless it is shut down. This is indisputable. I have read how and why it was formed and it must be eliminated. Ron Paul is the only candidate who knows how to accomplish this successfully. And he will also do away with the unconstitutional income tax. These sound like good ideas to me.
7. We need a President we can trust. Ron Paul has delivered a consistent message for 30 years. He grew up in a Christian home and makes this profession. “I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and strive each day to follow His teachings in all I do, both personally and politically.”